
Topic Selection

Brainstorming MATERIALS

Brainstorming Video

Video that walks students through a guided brainstorming session to get them to think of various categories that make for good speeches. Students can grab a pen and then follow along as they are prompted to produce what will become a list of specific speech topic ideas.

TED Talk

TED TALK: secrets to good talks

This TED Talk organizer gives advice on what makes a TED Talk, or YOUR Talk, a special and worthy speech!

Lectern Tags: Conceptual, A-ha moment, Professional, Main Ideas, Tips, Success

Content Videos

Students ON Picking a topic

Listen to students from a public speaking course give advice on the topic selection process with thoughts to consider.

TOPIC-RELATED Handouts (Google Docs)

Handout: Brainstorming Sheet

Google Doc handout with broad categories that push students to think of narrow, specific, researchable topics

HANDOUT: WHY IS topic relevanT?

Help students articulate ways that their speech may be relevant. Use this handout to help them understand ways to propose relevance: health concerns related to the topic (positive, negative, or both), money (gains & losses), statistics (percentage of class impacted), upcoming seasons/holidays connected to your topic, myths surrounding the topic, proximity to the topic, and more.